English Cream Dachshund

Understanding English Cream Dachshunds: Background, Breed Info and Facts

The English Cream Dachshund, a captivating variation of the beloved Dachshund breed, is instantly recognizable by its luscious cream-coloured coat. Renowned for its distinctive appearance, this canine holds a rich history tracing back to its origins in Germany, where it was bred for its remarkable hunting prowess. A true embodiment of charm and elegance, this breed has gained popularity worldwide. Known for its loyalty, intelligence, and playful nature, the English Cream Dachshund is an endearing companion that captures the hearts of dog enthusiasts everywhere.

Background and History

The English Cream Dachshund, a distinct variation within the Dachshund breed, is particularly celebrated for its cream-coloured coat, which differentiates it from other Dachshund types. Originating in 16th-century Germany, Dachshunds were meticulously bred to excel as skilled hunters, specializing in tracking and pursuing small game, notably badgers. Their elongated bodies and short legs were specifically advantageous for penetrating and navigating badger dens, showcasing their exceptional hunting abilities. To appropriately reflect the breed’s function as a “badger dog” in the German language, the term “Dachshund” itself comes from the combination of the German words “Dachs” (badger) and “Hund” (dog).

Throughout their history, Dachshunds garnered widespread popularity not only in Germany but globally, cherished for their distinct physical attributes and spirited personalities. Among the Dachshund variations, the English Cream stands out for its captivating cream-coloured coat, capturing attention and admiration due to its unique and elegant appearance. The breed’s legacy is deeply entrenched in their hunting heritage and evolution into beloved companions, recognized for their loyalty, intelligence, and endearing nature. Their intriguing history intertwined with their role as proficient hunters and their evolution into cherished household pets contributes to the enduring appeal of the English Cream Dachshund.

Breed Profile

  • Group: Classified under the Hound Group.
  • Height: Between 8 to 9 inches (20 to 23 cm) at the shoulder.
  • Weight: Weigh between 16 to 32 pounds (7 to 14.5 kg)
  • Coat: Short, smooth, and glossy coat that is soft to the touch.
  • Coat Colors: Cream-colored coat. It can vary from very pale to a slightly darker cream shade.
  • Lifespan: Around 12 to 16 years.
  • Temperament: A mix of loyalty, curiosity, and intelligence. Known to be alert, playful, and sometimes stubborn. 
  • Hypoallergenic: Shed very little and may suit people with mild allergies.
  • Breed Country: Originated in Germany and has gained popularity worldwide.

Care and Maintenance

  • English Cream Dachshunds require regular exercise to maintain their weight and stay healthy. Daily walks and some playtime are essential.
  • Their short coat is low-maintenance, needing occasional brushing to reduce shedding.
  • Given their propensity for obesity, it’s important to feed these dogs a balanced diet and control portion quantities.
  • Socialization and basic obedience training from a young age are important to manage their stubborn streak and ensure they get along well with other pets and people.

Health Concerns

Dachshunds, including the English Cream variation, are particularly prone to various health concerns, primarily due to their unique body structure, which features a long spine and short legs.

  1. Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD): This is a prevalent and potentially serious issue for Dachshunds. The elongated spine strains their intervertebral discs, making them more susceptible to disc herniation or rupture. When these discs degenerate or herniate, it can cause pain, nerve damage, or even paralysis. Back pain, weakness in the hind limbs, and loss of control over one’s bowels or bladder are symptoms of IVDD. Careful management of their physical activities, preventing jumping or rough play, and maintaining a healthy weight are crucial to reducing the risk of IVDD.
  2. Obesity: Maintaining an optimal weight is vital for Dachshunds. Extra weight puts more strain on their back and can exacerbate the risk of developing or worsening IVDD. Obesity also contributes to other health issues, including joint problems and heart conditions.
  3. Eye Problems: Dachshunds, including English Cream Dachshunds, can be susceptible to certain eye issues such as cataracts, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), and cherry eye. Identifying and treating these problems might be aided by routine veterinary examinations.
  4. Skin Conditions: Their skin can be sensitive, making them prone to allergies, dry skin, or eczema. Regular grooming and ensuring a proper diet can help manage these conditions.
  5. Dental Concerns: Dachshunds are susceptible to dental issues such as early tooth loss, gum disease, and tartar accumulation, just like many other tiny breeds. For their oral health, regular dental care—which includes brushing their teeth and giving them dental toys or treats—is crucial.

To mitigate these health concerns, regular vet check-ups, maintaining a balanced diet, providing sufficient exercise without straining their back, and being mindful of their weight are essential. Additionally, preventive measures and prompt attention to any concerning symptoms can significantly contribute to their overall health and well-being.

Pros and Cons


1.   Affectionate: They are known for their loyalty and strong bonds with their owners.

2.   Low Shedding: Their short coat means they shed very little.

3.   Good Watchdogs: Dachshunds are alert and will often bark to alert you of intruders.

4.   Adaptability: They can thrive in both apartments and larger homes.

5.   Long Lifespan: They often live longer than other dog breeds.


1.   Stubbornness: Dachshunds can be headstrong, making training a challenge.

2. Prone-to-Back Problems: Their unique body shape puts them at risk for spinal issues.

3.   Not Ideal for Small Children: They may not tolerate rough handling from young kids.

4.   Separation Anxiety: If left alone for extended periods, they may become prone to separation anxiety.

5.   Potential Health Issues: They may require extra medical attention due to their susceptibility to certain health problems.

Cost of English Cream Dachshund

The price of an English Cream Dachshund can vary greatly based on factors like lineage, pedigree, and breeder reputation. A well-bred puppy should cost you, on average, between $1,000 and $3,000 or more.

English Cream Dachshund
Steshka Willems/Pexels

Can They Be a Good Pet? 

English Cream Dachshunds can make wonderful pets for the right owner. They are affectionate, loyal, and adaptable to different living situations. However, their stubborn nature can pose training challenges, and their susceptibility to back problems requires careful handling and attention to their weight. Suppose you’re willing to invest time and effort in training, socialization, and proper care. In that case, an English Cream Dachshund can be a great addition to your family, offering years of companionship and love.

Some Facts About English Cream Dachshund

Certainly, here are some interesting facts about English Cream Dachshunds:

1.   Low Shedding: Dachshunds, including the English Cream variety, have a short and smooth coat that sheds very little. They are, therefore, a well-liked option for those who have allergies or who would rather have low-maintenance grooming.

2.   Alert Watchdogs: Dachshunds are known for their alert and vocal nature, making them effective watchdogs. They frequently bark to let their owners know about any strange behaviour or possible invaders.

3.   Varied Sizes: English Cream Dachshunds come in different sizes, including standard, miniature, and kaninchen (rabbit). This variety in sizes allows potential owners to choose the one that best fits their living situation and preferences.

4.   Stubborn But Smart: Training a dachshund can be difficult because, although they are generally considered intelligent dogs, they can also be very stubborn. But they are trainable to be well-mannered and obedient if you are persistent and patient with them.

5.   Prone to Back Problems: Due to their unique body shape with long bodies and short legs, Dachshunds, including English Cream Dachshunds, are susceptible to back problems, particularly intervertebral disc disease (IVDD). Careful handling and weight management are essential to reduce the risk of spinal issues.

These facts highlight the unique characteristics and traits of the English Cream Dachshund, making them a distinct and fascinating breed for dog enthusiasts.

How to Involve English Cream Dachshund in Playful Activities

Involving your English Cream Dachshund in playful activities is a great way to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. Dachshunds are known for their playful and curious nature, so here are some fun and engaging activities to keep your English Cream Dachshund entertained:

1.   Fetch: Dachshunds love to play fetch. Use a favourite toy or ball and throw it for them to retrieve. Just make sure not to throw the toy too far, considering their short legs.

2.   Hide and Seek: Hide treats or toys around the house and encourage your Dachshund to find them. This engages their sense of smell and provides mental stimulation.

3.   Interactive Toys: Invest in interactive toys like puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys. These can keep your Dachshund entertained and mentally challenged while they work to get the treats out.

4.   Tug of War: Dachshunds enjoy a gentle game of tug of war with a rope or soft plush toy. Ensure you maintain control of the game and teach them the “drop it” command for safety.

5.   Agility Courses: Set up a mini agility course in your backyard or a safe area. Use tunnels, jumps, and weave poles to create a fun and challenging course for your Dachshund to navigate.

6.   Playdates: Arrange playdates with other dogs, especially if they are social and get along with other dogs. Social interaction with other dogs can be very stimulating for them.

7.   Training Games: Incorporate training exercises into playtime. For example, teach them new tricks like “sit,” “stay,” or “roll over.” Training is not only fun but also mentally stimulating.

8.   Outdoor Adventures: Take your Dachshund on hikes or nature walks. They love exploring new environments and experiencing different scents. They may chase after small animals due to their hunting tendencies, so make sure they are leashed.

9.   Water Fun: Some Dachshunds enjoy water play. If your dog is comfortable with water, consider playing in a kiddie pool or taking them to a dog-friendly beach for some swimming.

10. Playful Challenges: Create challenges like setting up a series of small obstacles for them to jump over or crawl under. Make it a game by using treats or toys as rewards.

11. Doggie Playtime Apps: There are apps designed for dogs that feature moving objects and sounds. Your Dachshund may enjoy chasing the objects on the screen.

12. Scent Games: Dachshunds have an excellent sense of smell. Hide treats or toys around your home and encourage them to sniff the hidden treasures.

Always remember to prioritize your Dachshund’s safety and monitor them during play. Dachshunds can be prone to back problems, so avoid activities that involve high jumping or climbing. Additionally, take their size and energy level into account when planning activities. Regular playtime is not only enjoyable for your Dachshund but also essential for their overall well-being and happiness.

Does AKC Recognize an English Cream Dachshund?

The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes Dachshunds as a breed, but it doesn’t specifically recognize the term “English Cream Dachshund” as a separate breed. Instead, the AKC recognizes Dachshunds as a breed with various coat colours, patterns, and types.

Dachshunds come in three coat types: smooth, longhaired, and wirehaired, and they can have various coat colours and patterns, including cream. The AKC standard for Dachshunds allows for various colours and patterns, including cream, red, black and tan, chocolate and tan, and more.

So, if you have a Dachshund with a cream-coloured coat, it is still considered a Dachshund by the AKC standards. The term “English Cream Dachshund” is often used colloquially to describe Dachshunds with a pale or cream-coloured coat, but it’s not an officially recognized breed classification by the AKC. Instead, they are registered as Dachshunds and judged based on the AKC breed standard, which includes various coat colours.


In conclusion, the English Cream Dachshund is a unique and beloved variation of the Dachshund breed. Their distinctive cream-coloured coat sets them apart and adds to their charm. These dogs have a rich history as hunting companions, originating in Germany, and are now cherished worldwide as affectionate and loyal pets. They provide enduring companionship and have an average lifespan of 12 to 16 years.

While their stubborn nature may pose training challenges, their intelligence and playful spirit make them engaging and delightful pets. Their low-shedding coat and adaptability to various living situations further enhance their appeal. However, potential owners should be aware of their susceptibility to back problems and the importance of weight management.

In summary, English Cream Dachshunds are a wonderful choice for those who appreciate a loving, alert, and long-lived companion, provided they are prepared to invest time and care into their well-being and training.

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