why shih tzus are the worst dogs

12 Reasons Why Shih Tzus Are the Worst Dogs? A Closer Examination

“Why Shih Tzus are the worst dogs” is a phrase often uttered by some individuals, but it’s essential to remember that such judgments are subjective and depend on individual preferences and expectations when it comes to dog ownership. Like any other breed, Shih Tzus has unique characteristics and potential challenges that may not align with everyone’s lifestyle. In this discussion, we will explore some of the reasons why some people might find Shih Tzus less suitable as pets, but it’s crucial to keep in mind that these are not definitive judgments, and many people adore these dogs for their affectionate nature and charming personalities. Ultimately, the “worst” breed is a matter of personal perspective, and Shih Tzus can make wonderful companions when well-matched with the right owners.

What is the Shih Tzu Breed?

A small dog breed recognized for its amiable disposition and long, flowing coat is the Shih Tzu. They are believed to have originated in Tibet and were bred as companion dogs. They are characterized by their distinctive appearance: a round face, short snout, and a luxurious double coat that can come in various colors.

Shih Tzus are typically affectionate loyal and make excellent family pets. They are wonderful friends for people of all ages because of their well-known, gentle and kind personality. They need routine grooming because of their lengthy coat to maintain good condition and avoid matting.

These dogs are not particularly high-energy, so that they can adapt well to apartment living, but they still benefit from regular exercise and playtime. Shih Tzus are also known for their charming and endearing personalities, making them a popular choice for pet owners worldwide.

“Why Shih Tzus are the worst dogs” is a subjective statement. While some individuals may have reasons for finding Shih Tzus less suitable as pets, many others adore this breed for its positive qualities and companionship.

why shih tzus are the worst dogs
Goochie Poochie Grooming/Pexels

Breed Profile

  • Origin: Tibet, though it was further developed in China.
  • Size: Small, typically weighing 9 to 16 pounds (4 to 7.25 kilograms).
  • Height: Usually stands around 8 to 11 inches (20 to 28 centimeters) at the shoulder.
  • Coat: A long, luxurious, and double-layered coat that comes in various colors, including combinations of white, black, gold, and more.
  • Face: Round face with a short snout and expressive, dark eyes.
  • Ears: Long, floppy ears that hang down.
  • Lifespan: Shih Tzus typically has a lifespan of around 10 to 16 years.


Inspite of the fact that some people want to address this question that why shih tzus are the worst dogs but some may focus on their popularity and a cute personality. Shih Tzus are frequently listed among the top 20 dog breeds in the US based on popularity and have long been well-liked as companion animals. Shih Tzus are known for their charming and endearing personalities, making them beloved pets for many families. However, potential owners should be prepared for the grooming demands of their long coats and be aware of potential health issues common to the breed.

Temperament and Behavior

  • Friendly: Shih Tzus are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities.
  • Affectionate: They are loving and enjoy spending time with their human companions.
  • Loyal: Shih Tzus tend to be loyal and devoted to their families.
  • Good with Children: Generally good with children and can make great family pets.
  • Playful: While moderately active, they enjoy playtime and short walks.
  • Alert: Shih Tzus can make good watchdogs as they tend to be alert and will bark when they sense something amiss.

Care and Maintenance of Shih Tzu

  1. Grooming: Shih Tzus require regular grooming due to their long coat, which can be time-consuming. This includes brushing, bathing, and occasional haircuts.
  2. Exercise: While not highly active, they still need daily exercise to stay healthy and happy.
  3. Training: They can be stubborn, but consistent, positive reinforcement-based training can be effective.
  4. Health: Shih Tzus are prone to health issues, such as brachycephalic (flat-faced) breed problems, hip dysplasia, and eye issues. Regular veterinary check-ups are essential.

Why shih tzus are the worst dogs breed?

Shih Tzus has garnered a devoted following of enthusiasts for various compelling reasons. Their endearing qualities make them beloved pets for many. Shih Tzus are cherished for their gentle and friendly disposition, which includes a natural affinity for human companionship. These dogs are known for their affectionate and loyal nature, making them excellent family pets. Their charming appearance, with round faces, short snouts, and long, flowing coats, often melts hearts. While some may ask “why Shih Tzus are the worst dogs,” others appreciate their playfulness and adaptability, making them well-suited for apartment living. They bring joy to countless households, and their cheerful personalities outweigh any potential drawbacks for those who value their companionship.

It’s important to remember that people’s perceptions of dog breeds can differ greatly and that declaring any breed to be the “worst” is subjective and unfair to the dogs. All breeds have unique characteristics and traits that make them suitable for different owners and lifestyles. However, it’s possible to list some common challenges associated with Shih Tzus, but keep in mind that depending on your viewpoint, these characteristics can be both favorable and harmful. There are 12 potential reasons some people might find why Shih Tzus are the worst dogs and challenging to handle:

1.   Grooming Requirements: Shih Tzus has a beautiful, long, and fine double coat. While their coat is attractive, it requires regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling. Without proper care, their fur can become a health issue, causing skin problems, discomfort, and even pain for the dog. This grooming can be time-consuming and costly if you choose to have a professional groomer maintain their coat.

2. Shedding: Although Shih Tzus are often considered hypoallergenic because they don’t shed excessively, they shed a small amount of hair. Even a minimal amount of shedding can be problematic for individuals with severe allergies.

3. Prone to Eye Problems: Shih Tzus has large, protruding eyes that can be more susceptible to various eye issues, including infections, scratches, and corneal ulcers. Keeping their eye area clean and monitoring their eye health is essential for Shih Tzu owners.

4.  Stubbornness: Shih Tzus is known for being somewhat independent and headstrong, which can make training more difficult. They might not always respond immediately to commands, so consistent and patient training methods are necessary.

5.  Separation Anxiety: These dogs are known for forming strong bonds with their owners. This can lead to separation anxiety, causing distress when left alone for extended periods. It’s crucial to address this issue with proper training and socialization.

6. Small Size: They are small dogs, typically weighing 9-16 pounds. Their small size makes them vulnerable to injuries, especially in households with young children or larger dogs who may unintentionally harm them during play.

7.  Noisy: Shih Tzus tends to bark a lot. They are often alert and bark at unfamiliar noises or people, which may be a concern in apartments or close-knit neighborhoods where noise can be an issue.

8.  Sensitive to Temperature: These dogs are sensitive to extreme temperatures. Their flat faces can make them more prone to heat stroke in hot weather, and their thin coat offers little insulation in very cold climates.

9. Prone to Obesity: Shih Tzus has a propensity for gaining weight quickly, and obesity can cause several health difficulties, including joint problems. Careful monitoring of their diet and regular exercise is essential to maintain a healthy weight.

10. High Maintenance Diet: Some Shih Tzus have food allergies or sensitivities, which might require a special diet. The cost and effort associated with providing the right food can be a consideration for potential owners.

11. Health Concerns: They are prone to various health issues, including hip dysplasia, kidney problems, respiratory issues, and dental problems due to their flat faces (brachycephalic). These potential health problems can result in significant veterinary bills.

12. Grooming Costs: The cost of maintaining a Shih Tzu can be relatively high due to its long, fine coat and the need for regular grooming. Professional grooming is often recommended, which can become expensive over the dog’s lifetime.

Why Do People Love the Shih Tzu Breed?

The question why shih Tzus are the worst dogs is sometimes known to be a layman question because people also love the Shih Tzu breed for several compelling reasons. So, instead of perpetuating negative stereotypes, let’s focus on understanding and addressing behavioral challenges in all dogs, irrespective of their breed, and ask ourselves, “why Shih Tzus are the worst dogs,” is a question that doesn’t lead to productive discussions or responsible pet ownership.

  • Shih Tzus are renowned for their warm and friendly personalities. They develop close relationships with their owners and like human company, which makes them great family pets.
  • Shih Tzus has a distinctive and charming appearance with a round face, expressive eyes, and a flowing coat of various colors. Their adorable looks often capture the hearts of dog lovers.
  • They are loyal and devoted to their families. They tend to be loving and protective, providing their owners with a sense of security and companionship.
  • They are generally good with children and can be patient and gentle, making them suitable for families with kids.
  • While not overly active, Shih Tzus has a playful and cheerful demeanor. They enjoy interactive play and often bring joy to their households.
  • They can adapt well to different living situations, including apartments, as they are not overly high-energy dogs.
  • They are considered a low-shedding breed, which can benefit people with allergies or who prefer a cleaner home.
  • They are alert and tend to bark when they sense something unusual, making them effective watchdogs.
  • They have a relatively long lifespan, often living between 10 to 16 years, allowing for many years of companionship.
  • They are known for their low levels of aggression and compatibility with other household pets.
  • They usually have a gentle temperament, which makes them well-suited for households looking for a calm and soothing presence.
  • They are often described as having an endearing and lovable personality that makes them treasured family members.

These qualities and their unique and charming appearance make Shih Tzus a popular and beloved dog breed for many individuals and families.

Final Thoughts

“Why Shih Tzus are the worst dogs” is some individuals’ subjective perspective. Recognizing that such judgments vary greatly based on personal preferences and lifestyle is important. While Shih Tzus have unique characteristics and potential challenges, including grooming demands, potential health issues, and a stubborn streak in training, these factors do not universally make them “the worst” dogs. Shih Tzus are beloved by many for their endearing qualities, including their friendly and affectionate nature, charming appearance, and loyalty. They can make wonderful companions when matched with the right owner who understands and appreciates their needs. It is essential to remember that each dog, including the Shih Tzu, has unique traits and can be a cherished family member when cared for and loved appropriately. So, rather than focusing on “why Shih Tzus are the worst dogs,” let’s appreciate the diverse world of canine companions and the joy they bring to our lives.

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